Sunday, December 02, 2007

Below is Isabella's Christmas present this year. It is from of my favorite kids stores. This outfit isn't a bit practical but I thought it was SO cute and I emailed it to her mother before I bought it and got her approval and she loved it too. At 8 months old I figure Bella won't need much in the line of toys this year because she won't know any difference. There is a long sleeved shirt underneath the sweater that has the word ballerina on it. The tights have ink lacing that look like they were the ballerina tights laced up. How cute! (in my opinion)

This is my lastest layout. It's been rather "messy" getting my layouts done the last couple of weeks because I'm rearranging my scrapbook room. I am purging everything I haven't been using and I think it will be easier to find things if I have less. I love this picture because when I first printed it I thought there was something wrong with it because of the big black speck on the bottom. Then I saw all 3 boys looking at the black speck and realized it was a bug and saw that Beca had no interest in the bug at all but all 3 boys sure did!

We have had a peaceful weekend. It's nice to have been married so many years that we now enjoy being quiet and doing nothing. It might be our age or maybe my illness that makes me a little less active. I really think it's the illness because before that I was active every minute of my day and fell into bed exhausted at night.

Friday afternoon Wayne and I both felt like we were getting the flu. I had a fever and chills and was nauseated and Wayne was achy all over and had diahrrea but we were supposed to watch Tyler for the night. I thought maybe he could stay with my parents and be all right but he called me around 5:30 and wondered when he could come over. I told him to give us an hour and we'd sleep and hopefully be feeling better. Well, I thought he had hung up the phone but he thought I had hung up on him. I would never do that no matter how sick I was. My MOm called about 40 minutes later and said he hadn't stopped crying so I told her I was on my way to get him. He gave me the biggest hug when I got there and I appologized to him and he seemed just fine then...he jumped in my car and we were off. I still felt sick when we got home and told him he could play games on the computer and there is a bed in that room and I would lay down and rest. He was fine with that. The amazing thing is that when I woke up I felt fine and felt much better the rest of the evening. He and the 7 webkins slept with Wayne and about crowded him out of the bed:)


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