Monday, August 28, 2006

Kael and Kaleb
This picture was taken several months ago but I love it...two
brothers sleeping together. They really don't look alike at all but
they will most likely be great friends as they grow up. They are
only 2 years apart and are all ready enjoying each others company.

Cheerleader Rhebeca

Rhebeca went to cheerleading camp this summer. She

is really a natural in cheerleading...she is always doing

cartwheels and jumping up and down repeating some of the

things she learned at camp. She has many things that she will

be capable of doing because she has a lot of will be

interesting as a grandparent to see what she decides she wants

to do!

Kael, Kaleb and Rhebeca

This was taken several months ago but is a

great picture!!

I don't know if I've had this layout on here before or not but it's worth

repeating. I have read a lot of articles on taking pictures and one thing

they all agree with is to take lots of pictures and you should get a good one.

Here is a great picture that Kristi got of Jacob when he was about 6 months old.

It's hard to believe that he 's walking, climbing and running all ready.

I had quite a weekend:) I had the stomach flu that started on Saturday morning and finally let up today. I even had a fever with it with the chilling, sweats and body aches. Then by this morning I realized I had another urinary tract infection. The other antibiotics must not have killed the infection when I took them about 10 days ago. Hopefully this isn't going to become a chronic problem along with everything else.

I got our mail this afternoon and there was a letter from the social security disability department that they rejected me for disability. I told Wayne I wish they could spend a few days with me...then they'd realize I truly won't be able to turn me down. From what I've read from others on the's not uncommon to get rejected the first time around. Sometimes it takes 3 or 4 tries.

Wayne and I picked up Tyler at school today. I got really tickled as I saw Tyler and Wayne walking to the car. Tylers mouth never stopped moving. Katie said he had asked if Wayne and I could pick him up today and she said no but then she had to run some errands so wanted us to get him. We played games and went to the library again. I kept falling asleep at the library so I really wanted to go home. He was so sweet and said....sure!! I love that he's not embarassed by my walker and is happy to ride on it when when we're leaving the library. I enjoy spending time with him and just wish both other families lived closer so I could do these things with the other grandkids too. I just try to do other things to keep them included in my life and take advantage of the time we do have together. Jacob has been calling me occasionally and even though I can't understand most of his words I love talking to him and building a relationship.

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